This weekend may well be the most important transformational weekend of your life.
Many seminars are taught, many books are read, many people practice meditation, tai chi, yoga and other eastern and western techniques to find peace and happiness. All of these are paths to self-realization are very good. This weekend you will do something else than theory and really learn simple ways to connect to all that is already there. Our biggest fear that blocks us to our heart is coming from our Minds that are conditioned to believe it is difficult and takes years of practice. That is not true, once you know how to connect to your power of love, you just experience life, there is nothing to practice except just be yourself. You will be crystal clear aware when you are not connected to your power of love and your heart, you can not deny it, you cannot run away , you cannot fool yourself anymore.
Your ego is healed from fear to love, from survival to thriving, from sabotage to unconditional passion and compassion. From anger to forgiveness, from worries to sending positive messages to the world.
What’s the secret?
Dr. Martina has worked for 30 years with very sick people doing research and testing them to find what works. The secret is simple it is just removing the veil in your mind to feel your true self. You will be practicing techniques to stay in your heart no matter what happens, you will learn how to step out of conflict and go to your heart, how to stay above the stress of everyday, the worries, the fears, the angers, the sadness and much more.
The combination of powerful techniques, intense meditation sessions of going inside of your heart and inspiring insights guarantee to give you a quantum jump of huge proportions in your life. So much will become clear why you do things in a certain way, why you are stuck, why the years of seminars and trainings and knowing did not work. It is 10 times better to experience something in your emotional body than to read about it and to theorize about it. You will know because you have experience it, not because you believe it, it is discovering what is inside of you and connect with that and stay connected with it.
Roy Martina is synonymous with quality and fun learning and is 100% result oriented.
He has written over 50 books and is a world renowned expert in the field of holistic medicine and when he teaches he gives his full 100%.
After this week you will know with 100% certainty that you can deal with anything in your life, with any situation confidently, you are no longer fearing what is difficult you connect and stay centered with your heart and attract much more positive things and people than you ever did before.
The power of love is Freedom of fear
When you find peace and tranquility inside you will become a magnet for peace and tranquility. You become the change you want to see in the world. In India they greet each other with Namaste what means: I greet you from the place where we are equal and pure. You will live in Namaste, you will be able to connect immediately with the greatness in the other person no matter how they behave or what they say. You will be able to feel anyone’s heart, every one is searching to be loved and accepted for who they are, but most are afraid of losing love or not to be good enough. You will transcend these fears and become free. Freedom is to have no fear not to be loved, not to be accepted, to let go the fear of being rejected or not being good enough. When you are free you set others free, you give them space top be themselves to feel safe around you, to be vulnerable around you because they do not feel any judgment from you., In the contrary you remind them of their beauty their source of love just by your presence. The world changes when you change and open your heart to welcome the abundance of love that was always there but can only be experienced when your heart is open.
Why is this week-end the best investment for you?
If you want more peace, more self-confidence, more positive power, more self esteem, to learn to understand yourself better, to make a quantum jump in your life, to need less confirmation, approval in your life, to be more independent and to be more in your power of your heart and to be able to deal with all the challenges of your life and to connect with your inner knowing and wisdom, to be less attached and more loving, more forgiving, more stronger on your boundaries, more connected with your potential and your life’s mission than this week-end is what you are looking for! It will be fast and direct, you will learn a new technique to quickly balance yourself in seconds and let go of the past and return your focus to what you want.
Opening your heart is fun
There are many good teachers out there with great wisdom but their teaching styles is boring and make you sleepy, that is not with Roy, he will keep you awake, keep you focused and interact with the group with humor and confrontation. You will not experience a dull moment but stay alert and connected all the time. He will open your deepest gates to your inner wisdom with many approaches from many different levels and dimensions, through exercise, meditations, questions and energy transfer. Be ready for an experience of a life time. Roy is a gifted trainer with the power of humor, confrontation, healing and deep vitalization effects on the audience.
Prepare by reading Roy’s books.
Recommended reading: Emotional Balance, Chacra Balancing and Prevent Frustration in your relationship
What is Emotional Intelligence
Looking at your shadow side I: Fears
Fears are often masked, we feel insecure and we worry about our jobs, marriage, relationships, money etc. Most people live in survival at some levels. First step to be in your power is to discover all your fears: fears of dying, becoming old, being dependent etc.
Looking at your shadow side II:
Emotions and judgements caused by outside triggers.
All kinds of stressors influenced our lives, but most are we worried what others think and we have opinions and judgements about others ourselves. You will learn how not to let others affect you in any way and how to stay connected to your power.
Workshop on judgements and emotions
Now you work with guided visualizations how to heal your emotional; wounds and let go of the past and forgive.
Connecting to your power: Healing
Healing is finding inner peace and to be connected to whom you are,
to find your meaning of life and why you are here.
Setting your goals and creating your destiny
Every journey begins with setting the first step, the best way to start is to know where you want to go and to plan and pack accordingly. You will learn how to be ready for anything that comes your way
“Are you looking for personal happiness and success
or do you really want to experience it right now?”
Roy Martina: